- 數據解釋
Last Price | 成交價 | Last Trade | 最後交易日 |
Tick | 比前一筆成交價之漲跌 | Volume | 交易量 |
Change | 漲跌 | % Change | 漲跌幅 |
Open | 開盤價 | Prev Close | 前日收盤價 |
Day High | 當天最高價 | Day Low | 當天最低價 |
Bid | 買入價 | Bid Size | 委買量、買單大小 |
Ask | 賣出價 | Ask Size | 賣量、賣單大小 |
52Wk High | 52周最高價 | 52Wk Low | 52周最低價 |
E.P.S. | 每股收益、每股盈餘 | P/E Ratio | 本益比、市盈率 |
Ex-Div Date | 除息日 | Dividend | 股利 |
Yield | 殖利率、收益率 | Shares | 流通股數 |
Market Cap | 市值 | Exchange | 交易所 |
NYE (New York Stock Exchange) | 紐約證券交易所 |
AMX (American Stock Exchange) | 美國證券交易所 |
NGS (Nasdaq Global Select) | 納斯達克全球精選市場 |
NGM (NASDAQ Global Market) | 納斯達克全球市場 |
NSC (Nasdaq Small Caps) | 納斯達克資本市場 |
OTO (Other-OTC) | 場外交易市場 |
The PowerShares Russell Top 200 Equal Weight Portfolio (Fund) is based on the Russell Top 200 Equal Weight Index (Index). The Fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in the component securities that comprise the Index. The Index is designed to provide equal-weighted exposure to the securities of the largest 200 companies in the US equity market. The Fund and the Index are rebalanced quarterly and reconstituted annually.
排名 | 股票名稱 | 持有比例% |
1 | AT&T Inc | 0.85% |
2 | Chubb Corp/The | 0.66% |
3 | Amazon.com Inc | 0.66% |
4 | Google Inc | 0.64% |
5 | Google Inc | 0.63% |