富邦金 海外存託憑證基本資料

公司名稱 富邦金 承銷商 大華證券股份有限公司Crand Cathay Securities Corp.
上市(櫃)地點 倫敦 存託機構名稱 美國紐約梅隆銀行 The Bank of New York Mellon
發行地點 歐洲、亞洲、美洲等各地(Europe,Asia,America) 保管機構名稱-1 香港商香港上海匯豐銀行HSBC
發行方式 全部公開發行 保管機構名稱-2
契約簽約日 19980305 保管機構名稱-3
申請日期 19971219 洽特定人認購之目的
申請發行金額 0 洽特定人認購之單位股數 0
核淮日期 19980305 洽特定人總金額 0
所表影有價證券之種類 普通股股票(Common Stock) 特定人與發行人之關係
是否供海外公司債轉換 N
項目 海外存託憑證 所表彰有價證券
日期 數額 每單位價格 發行金額 代號 股數 每股價格
初次發行之日期及數額 19980417 8,000,000 662.31 5,298,400,000 2881 80,000,000 66.23
初次發行後追加發行數額 小計 347,121 3,471,239
(It is projected that receipts of insurance premiums may be increased by approximately NT$600 million, and 1998 interest revenues may be increased by approximate)
(1)本次發行海外存託憑證係以發行普通股80,000,000股辦理現金增資, 每股溢價66.23元發行,以定價日台幣對美金收盤匯率33:1計算, 共募集美金一六○、五六○、○○○元,扣除發行及銷售費用約 美金四、八一六、八○○元,淨收入為美金一五五、七四三、二○○元, 以八十七年四月八日匯率33元概算,本公司資本額增加新台幣 八○○、○○○、○○○元,資本公積增加約新台幣四、三三九、五二五、六○○元。 (2)本次現金增資發行新股八○、○○○、○○○股佔增資後已發行股數 一、一一七、五二四、二二一股之比例為7.16%,使本公司在業務國際化後, 財務亦達國際化目標。 (3) 93年度本公司本次以已發行股份參與發行海外存託憑證,因僅係股權之移轉, 並不影響本公司之實收資本額,故不致造成股權、每股淨值及每股獲利之稀釋, 亦不致對該公司之股東權益產生負面影響。 (The current issuance of Global Depositary Receipts ("GDRs")is based on the new issuance of 80,000,000 common shares for cash. Each share is issued at the price of NT$66.23, converted to US dollars at the rate of 33:1 on the date of pricing. The total funds solicited is US$160,560,000 less issuance and underwriting expenses of approximately US$4,816,800, resulting in net revenues of US$155,743,200, which, calculated at the exchange rate of 33 on April 8, 1998, increased the company's capital by NT$800,000,000 and the company's capital surplus by approximately NT$4,339,525,600. The new issuance of 80,000,000 common shares constitutes 7.16% of the post-increase total issued shares of 1,117,524,221 shares, enabling the company to internationalize its business, and achieve an international level of financing. The company's participation in the GDR issuance in 2004 was merely to facilitate a transfer of existing shares without affecting the company's paid-in capital, or diluting the company's equity rights, net value per share or earnings per share, and shall have no negative impact on the company's shareholder rights.)